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cittadella:littlecity,护城城堡、堡垒、要塞 公司为边远地区以及贫寒子弟等提供学习机会,每一百名学员提供两个培训名额。安徽SAT英语单词培训


Ø primogeniture (LL primogenitura: birth of first child, fr. L primo: at first, primus: first + genitura: birth, fr. genitus, pp of gignere: to beget + -ura: -ure) n. right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son 长嗣身份、长嗣继承权/制   

Ø primp (perh. alter. of prim: to assume a formal / precise / demure manner, perh. fr. obs. F prim: neat, thin, slender, small, delicate, fr. OF prim: fine, delicate, fr. L primus: first, finest) v. dress / adorn / arrange in a careful / finicky manner, smarten, dress or groom with elaborate care 仔细地/过分讲究地打扮、装饰、整理   陕西GMAT英语单词记忆法单词怎么去更好的学习?


primacy (ME primacie, fr. MF, fr. ML primatia, fr. L primat-, primas: one of the first, leader + -ia: -y) n. the state of being first in importance (天主教)教皇的职责、地位、权力

primal (ML primalis, fr. L primus: first + -alis -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, of / relating to the first period or state, original, primitive, aboriginal, primaeval, primeval, primordial; cardinal, central, fundamental, principal 初的、原始的、主要的、首要的、根本的


primrose (ME primerose, fr. MF, fr. OF, prob. fr. prime, fem. of prin: first, prime + rose, fr. L rosa) n.  any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads, primula 【植】报春花、欧洲樱草

Øprimula(NL,fr.ML,primrose,cowslip,【植】报春花、欧洲樱草仔细地/过分讲究地打扮 单词的学习方法有哪些?



Ø prima (It, fem of primo, fr. L primus: first) adj. indicating the most important performer or role, first, leading, starring, stellar, major 的、首要的 n. the first word of the next galley proof or page of copy marked on the corresponding page or galley; the word at which reading is to be resumed after an interruption, compare markoff   GMAT英语单词记忆方法。湖北GMAT英语单词教学



imprecate (L imprecationem: an invoking of evil, imprecatus, pp of imprecari: to invoke, call down upon, fr. in-: en- + L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) v.  invoke evil upon, curse, wish harm upon, utter imprecations, utter obscenities or profanities 祈求降祸huò/灾难等于、诅咒、诅咒某人逢凶 

precarious (L precarius: obtained by entreaty / prayer, obtained by mere favor, doubtful, uncertain, fr. L precari: to ask, entreat, pray, fr. prec-, prex: request, entreaty, prayer) adj. dependent upon uncertain premises, dubious, dependent on chance circumstances / unknown conditions / uncertain developments, uncertain, not secure; beset with difficulties, affording no ease or reassurance, fraught with danger, 

Ødangerous不牢靠的、危险的、不稳的、碰机会的、说不定的、靠不住的4个上述常考词汇以及以下11个衍生词汇(非完全统计)。 安徽SAT英语单词培训


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