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primrose (ME primerose, fr. MF, fr. OF, prob. fr. prime, fem. of prin: first, prime + rose, fr. L rosa) n.  any of numerous short-stemmed plants of the genus Primula having tufted basal leaves and showy flowers clustered in umbels or heads, primula 【植】报春花、欧洲樱草

Øprimula(NL,fr.ML,primrose,cowslip,【植】报春花、欧洲樱草仔细地/过分讲究地打扮 单词怎么更好的学习?青海雅思英语单词网课


primarius:basic,primary,ofthefirstrank初的、原始的、位序的,fr.L,principal重要的、首要的、主要的、本金的、母金的,Øprim(1709,v.,toassumeaformal/precise/demuremanner,n.,aformal/precise/haughtyperson(before1700),整洁的、端正的、妇女一本正经的、端庄的、拘谨的、古板的’sexpression prim,arrange/dress affectedly/demurely使整洁、打扮整洁、一本正经。 贵州专八英语单词教材英语单词有什么记忆方法?


prize (ME pris: prize, price; v., ME prisen, fr. MF preiser, prisier, fr. OF, fr. LL pretiare, fr. L pretium: price, money, value; n., ME prise, pris, fr. OF prise: act of taking, seizure, fr. pris, pp of prendre: to take, fr. L prehendere: to seize, grasp) adj. of superior grade, choice, prime, quality, select, superior 作为奖品的   n. something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery, award, something given as a token of victory, trophy; goods or money obtained illegally, booty, dirty money, loot, pillage, plunder, swag 奖品、奖赏、奖金、捕获品、战利品、意外收获、横财    v. hold dear, appreciate, treasure, value, regard highly, think much of , esteem, prise, respect, value 重视、珍视、估价; move or force, especially in an effort to get something open, jimmy, lever, prise, pry  撬开、撬动


Ø semiprecious (semi- + precious, ME, fr. OF precios, precieus, fr. L pretiosus, fr. L pretium: price, value, money + -osus: -ous) adj. used of gemstones having less commercial value than precious stones, (of a gemstone) of less commercial value than those called precious: “such semiprecious stones as the amethyst, garnet, jade, and tourmaline”, specifically less than 8 in hardness (宝石)次贵重的、半宝石的

praiseworthy adj. worthy of high praise, applaudable, commendable, laudable, worthy  值得赞扬的、可嘉的 单词的学习方法是有哪些?


primitive (ME primitif, fr. L primitivus, fr. primitiae: first things, first fruits, fr. primitus: firstly, originally, fr. primus: first + -itus, adverb suffix + -ivus: -ive) adj. little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type, used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies 上古的、原始的、原生的

Ø primordial (ME, fr. LL primordialis: original, fr. L primordium: beginning, origin, fr. neut. of primordius: original, fr. primus: first + ordiri: to begin, begin to web + -alis: -al) adj. having existed from the beginning, in an earliest or original stage or state, aboriginal, existing at or from the beginning, first created or developed, earliest, primeval, primitive, crude, undeveloped, elementary, fundamental, primary  原始的、早存在的、原生的   单词的意义就是由词根的意义产生、转化来的。英语单词的数量虽然浩瀚,但其词根数量却是有限的。重庆中学英语单词学习法



principle (ME, modif. of MF principe, fr. L principium: beginning, origin, basis (in pl. principia: first principles, fundamentals), fr. princip-, princeps: first, original, lit., taken as first, fr. prin-, fr. primus: first + -cip-, -ceps, fr. L capere: to take) n. a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct, rule, tenet, a basic truth or law or assumption, a rule or standard especially of good behavior, rule of personal conduct, precept, a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system, (law) an explanation of the fundamental reasons (especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of nature), rationale 原则、主义、原理、基本信念、信条、行为准则、正直、道义 青海雅思英语单词网课


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